People says, time will heal the wound...
And my wound is healed time after time...
Now I can enjoy what I do and just go with the flow...
I would say that I'm more spiritual...
I could find another side of me....
And I could start to grateful... and really try the lesson that i've learned all this time
I'm still waiting though....waiting for the miracles to happen...but until it happens..i still have a life to live.... and it's already a miracle to see my 2 angels.......
Dear Allah, please listen to all my prayer...
Thanks for everything...
Jumat, 16 Oktober 2009
Kamis, 15 Oktober 2009
Ikan Bumbu Kuning
Bahan :
Ikan Tuna : 500 gr
Bahan Halus I :
Bawang putih : 1 siung
Garam : secukupnya
Jeruk nipis : secukupnya ..biar gak amis doank koks
Bahan Halus II :
Bawang putih : 2 siung
Bawang Merah : 3 siung
Kemiri : 1 butir
Jahe : 2 cm
Kunyit : 1 cm
Bahan lain :
Jeruk nipis : ambil airnya saja 2 sdm
Minyak goreng : secukupnya
Air putih : 100 ml
Garam : Secukupnya
Gula secukupnya
Bawang Merah : 5 siung bulat, biarkan saja
Cabai rawit : 5 buah, biarkan saja
Cara :
Ikan Tuna dilumri bahan I. Diamkan selama 1 jam. Goreng dengan minyak panas sampai kecoklatan.
Giling Bahan II sampai halus, lalu tumis dengan minyak goreng sampai harum. Masukkan ikan goreng, tambah jeruk nipis dan garam serta gula dan air. Cemplungkan bawang merah dan cabe rawit.
Semoga enak...hehehe
Ikan Tuna : 500 gr
Bahan Halus I :
Bawang putih : 1 siung
Garam : secukupnya
Jeruk nipis : secukupnya ..biar gak amis doank koks
Bahan Halus II :
Bawang putih : 2 siung
Bawang Merah : 3 siung
Kemiri : 1 butir
Jahe : 2 cm
Kunyit : 1 cm
Bahan lain :
Jeruk nipis : ambil airnya saja 2 sdm
Minyak goreng : secukupnya
Air putih : 100 ml
Garam : Secukupnya
Gula secukupnya
Bawang Merah : 5 siung bulat, biarkan saja
Cabai rawit : 5 buah, biarkan saja
Cara :
Ikan Tuna dilumri bahan I. Diamkan selama 1 jam. Goreng dengan minyak panas sampai kecoklatan.
Giling Bahan II sampai halus, lalu tumis dengan minyak goreng sampai harum. Masukkan ikan goreng, tambah jeruk nipis dan garam serta gula dan air. Cemplungkan bawang merah dan cabe rawit.
Semoga enak...hehehe
Change template of the blog
Currently i found a new hobby : trying different template for my blog. It turns out there are so many free template for blogger and I just thrill to try it one by one. You can check and as my experiments pages.
However, if you use a free template, you can loose the widget that you have set up on your previous template. So for, since it is for business, i'm trying to no longer looking for the new one. But on this, sorry, i will change the template as soon I find the attractive one.
Happy blogging to you.
However, if you use a free template, you can loose the widget that you have set up on your previous template. So for, since it is for business, i'm trying to no longer looking for the new one. But on this, sorry, i will change the template as soon I find the attractive one.
Happy blogging to you.
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